Dear RJL Family,
Each year, I attempt a New Year’s letter that depicts clarity and excitement for the future. I’ve sat at my computer many times since January 1, thinking about what clarity really means, but simply put, things just seem too messy. Messy is something you might use to describe a teenager’s room or someone’s illegible handwriting. Sitting here with the first month of 2020 behind us, messy means to me something much different. Perhaps, messy is really perfect. Can you be messy and intentional at the same time?
Reflecting on 2019, my brain gets a little tired. Every client, partner and friend of the RJL family had momentous occasions. Perhaps the biggest celebration is that each one of them involved some form of collaboration and commitment to the future. In addition, as the RJL Solutions family grows, so does the team. We added five new employees in 2019, and each one of them touch our clients in some way, whether behind the scenes or on the frontline. Each one of them have a role that intentionally moves our clients’ issues and opportunities forward.
I believe it’s messy because there is still so much to accomplish. Not one project was finished on December 31. In fact, many projects began in parallel with the ones that were already in the pipeline. We are, in real time, experiencing the benefits of the old adage, "success breeds success." With that, I believe messy is absolutely intentional. As one project demonstrates success, we see reason to begin the next, and then the next. Growth isn’t captured by celebrating successes for too long. Soon, that success is only measured in history, and the future requires a leader that is intentionally thinking about the next opportunity. Intentionality can make things messy.
So, let’s make 2020 the year of being intentional together, even if it’s messy.
Would you be willing to share with us an organizational goal that might be messy but intentional? Is it risky? Are you unsure yet committed? Do you wake up excited about it? Are you willing to share it to inspire others? If so, we want to share it with the RJL family across the entire state! Send it to me at Please be courageous and share!
With excitement about 2020!
Rachel J. Leslie, CEO
RJL Solutions LLC