Two talented forces join RJL Solutions, an Indiana-based Government Affairs and Communications firm. Rose Holtrey (Content Strategist) and Lily Pesavento (Communications Coordinator) bring a creative essence to the firm and are backed by diverse experiences.
“Both Rose and Lily are what I would consider ‘the cream of the crop,’ each with fresh ideas and extremely well-rounded portfolios,” states Shelby Harruff, Director of Digital Marketing. “Marketing is ever-growing and ever-changing. Lily and Rose equip our team to stay on top of trend even more and expand our digital marketing and public relations services to our clients.”
Holtrey brings to the team a passion for design, branding and digital marketing, each founded on her devotion to serve. As Content Strategist, Holtrey will be an important element to RJL’s Strategic Communications department as she will focus her craft on content planning and development, design, analysis, social media and digital marketing strategies. Holtrey is a recent graduate of the University of Louisville where she studied Communication and Sociology. Her experiences are lined in unique internship and leadership positions for renowned companies and brands such as Love Your Melon and J Wagner Group.
"As a creative and one who has a deep passion for the service of others, I am grateful to have a place at RJL Solutions, understanding that everything the company offers is based on solution finding," states Holtrey. "I am certain my skillset will fit perfectly within the team and offer our clients even more solutions and opportunities."
Pesavento joins RJL Solutions as Communications Coordinator where she will be responsible for scheduling, managing communication requests, providing support in project management and leading various communications initiatives in areas including public relations, community development and marketing. Pesavento’s drive comes from storytelling and sharing the elements of any story, large or small. She is a graduate of Indiana State University where she received her bachelor’s degree in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. As a former journalist and consumer representative in the behavioral healthcare industry, Pesavento brings robust knowledge and a deep-rooted love for community.
"Everyone has a story and even the small ones have the potential to make a big difference in the lives of our community members. RJL Solutions has offered me the unique opportunity to seek and find individuals in Indiana waiting for their stories to be told,” states Pesavento. “I'm honored to learn from the leadership team here and find where I fit into RJL's story."
RJL Solutions looks forward to the impact the two hires have.